What I wore to Fashion Week

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It’s been manic.

Fashion Week is always a little nuts but with back to back shows on the first day, I decided to stop to meet Amy and she kindly captured this outfit I choose to wear that day. We actually had a restaurant review at that exact moment so even though we were rushed, Amy was a pro as always and took these gorgeous snaps.

Now Fashion Week is always a time for this peacock to shine and I think this outfit is a prime example of how I like to look when it’s uncensored. It’s was the first outing for my new Moschino bag too so I was pretty keen to show it off.

I love the colours that I mixed together for this outfit. Using this T Rex jumper and these amazing sunglasses from the Sunglasses Shop as a starting point, my outfit was born.

I found this ‘Babe’ skirt from Forever 21 about a week before FW but I love it’s simply design but statement look. The lettering looked great with my jumper too which I was really happy about.

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I knew I would have to wear a coat as it would be chilly so this one from TK MAXX was perfect. It goes great with the skirt and my uber cute pink bobble hat from H&M.

Now you might think that my Moschino is a little clashy but really that was the whole point. I wanted a strong contrast to my outfit and this bag is it! Made from PVC and leather, it is a little pricey but it’s Moschino and I simply loved it too much to say no. It’s a great size too (I already have the Barbie backpack) and I really love the Mario Brothers design against the Moschino word print.

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Do you like this look?

Sunglasses – Le Specs @ Sunglasses shop

Bobbly hat – H&M

Coat – TK Maxx

Jumper – Batoko

Skirt – Forever 21

Trainers – Adidas @ JD Sports

Bag – Moschino @ FARFETCH

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About Bunnipunch

A place for Life

Online since 2010

I started Bunnipunch with the aim of creating a space where I could write about Fashion and style but it soon developed into a lifestyle platform where I reviewed travel destinations, new brands launching, press events, new movie releases and more. 

My emails are always open if you fancy a chat, want to collaborate or even want to give your feedback. 

Welcome to Bunnipunch and enjoy ❤️

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