Bora Aksu A/W 2015 – London Fashion Week

Bora, Bora, how I love thee! One show that I love to see every season is always Bora Aksu. With his great mix of cute cuts, feminine styles, soft fabrics and pastel injections, this new collection look like it’s one of Bora’s best yet!  Inspirations of baby doll night wear, laser cut panels, twin sets […]

London Fashion Week A/W 2015 – Day 2 – Red and Blue Clash

I don’t know why I have been caught out by the cold so much this season but it really has been freezing in London over the last few days. It seemed pretty mild on Day 1 and I was really comfortable but Day 2 and 3 have left me chilled to the bone. As I really […]

Ice Skating, Somerset House and some Moschino

I spend a fair bit of time at Somerset house, so when Me and the Hubby decided to go and do some ice skating there, it was nice to experience this historic venue at a NON-fashion and rushy event.  If you haven’t had time to go to Somerset House and do some skating at Christmas, I strongly suggest […]