A sweet dinnerware treat from Wilko

With the countdown of our new house finally here, Gary and myself can finally start to plan and decide what we want in our new home.  As I have had the same crockery since the old King died, it was great to receive and try out this chic and simply dinner set from Wilko.  As […]

Zippo magic with Christopher Shannon and a Competition!

I love Zippo! When it comes to having a lighter, these guys are the coolest mothers out there. Available with cool collaborations(I bought my brother a Spider-Man one once), the iconic brand have teamed up with fashion designer Christopher Shannon and created these amazingly colourful lighters! With an array of prints to suit many fashion […]

Music mates with AO’s Jongo speakers

Built to be portable and play music from your phone, the Jongo speaker series are the future of modern speakers. With a simply download of the Pure app, you can play music using the Bluetooth feature and use the speakers for a house party, music in the garden or even locked away with you in the shed. With step […]

Getting ready for the Hennessy Gold Cup and competition

I’ve never been one to go to horse races. I do have a love for the gorgeous creatures but anything to do with betting just doesn’t get me going. Its funny then that I recently recieved an invite for my husband and I to attend the Hennessy Gold Cup. As I have never actually been […]

Bedroom buddies

I’m always a bit nervous whenever I have an underwear review to do. Being curvy has always made me a little concious of my shell but I am finding that the older I get, the more I am able to except my body for what it is and embrace all my lumps and bumps. With […]

Tips on how to wear your dress for AW15

We have all been there. As soon as winter comes we stash away our dresses and skirts and live in jeans and trousers for the next few months. Well I don’t know about you but that feels a bit depressing to me so thankfully those peeps at Lyst are on hand to offer loads of dresses that […]