Well after much hmming and ahhing over great snaps of bloggers in their holiday style, the finalists for the Office and Look Holiday Competition have been announced!
The Finalists are:
Fiona Chalmers of Shoe Bellissimo
Camille Charriere of Camille of the Rainbow
Rebecca Gosling of Beauty Becca
and Aisling Megan of Fash-ling
So who are you going to vote for? I have submitted mine, so what are you waiting for?
Get your vote on here!
Good luck to the contestants!
3 responses
Thank you for blogging about it Lois! I’m so honoured to be part of the final 4 and to be mentioned on Bunnipunch!!! Hehe xx
No worries! Was lovely to see those who have entered and been picked! I know all of your and you’re all fab bloggers!
Good luck! x
Camille all the way. One of my favourite bloggers with one of my favourite styles.