Trailers can sometimes be really miss-leading about the movie it’s promoting. I know teen comedy’s are generally going to be bad and the trailer shows this but Edge of Tomorrow is a real gem and it’s trailer really needs to work harder to get bums on seats.
I’m a Tom Cruise fan so I like most things the actor has starred in but sometimes the actor can outshine the cast, plot and director but the whole team are neck and neck with this great film.
Cage(Tom Cruise) is a major who has no battle training, hates blood and has been requested to accompany troops to the beaches of France to win back Europe from an Alien race. We aren’t told why the T1000 meets Spider race has decided to inhabit earth but I guess that doesn’t matter.
Cage resists his command to head for France and is arrested and sent there regardless. Once he hits the beaches of Europe, Cage comes face to face with his emery and his future is changed forever.
I don’t want to give away too much as you really should see this film but with Cage reliving the same day over and over, comes a slight comedy aspect to the film. This and adrenaline jumps and action make the film very entertaining and the whole sequence of scenes flow perfectly.
ILM have inserted their talents with amazing effects and scenery and many London land marks make this film feel more homely and familiar to the UK audience.(Ok maybe not heathrow)
Blunt also performs brilliantly and the actress is a great companion for Cruise on screen and I had major Blunt hair envy throughout the film too.
Overall, it is a widely entertaining film. Guys will like it for the pure action element and it’s not too gory and there is a decent storyline so the ladies will be pleased too!
Edge of Tomorrow hits cinemas on Friday 30th May(Week before American – Whoop!!)