Jewellery brands and sites to watch

majdan rocksChucky jewellery is a huge favourite of mine and Majdan Rocks has some great statement pieces. With huge rings and solid earrings, I totally love Majdan Rocks pieces and I think I need some of their rings for Fashion week! Katie MullallySilver jewellery is ideal to stand the distances and sometimes it’s hard to find silver jewellery that looks quirky, cool and is fairly affordable too! Katie Mullally is a great designer and has some gorgeous charm necklaces including Stags, Roses, Wish bones and lots of other personal pieces that are ideal for presents and are great to match with any outfit.GemineraGeminera have lots of different styles and brands of jewellery on their site and have a varied range of prices too. The styles are very classic so Geminera is a great place to look for something unique that you need for any special occasion.Emma Macleod BunnipunchFor shape edges and something artistic, Emma MacLeod has some perfect necklaces and rings that are attention grabbing and also shows the designer’s talent. I love Emma’s triangle necklaces and they come in silver, black oxide and gold and will never go out of style.Sarah HoSarah Ho does elegant and stylish very well. With classic bows that are modern, chic florals and statement rings, Sarah Ho has some beautiful pieces and all are well crafted and great for all seasons.The indiviual Jewellery BunnipunchSeeing a variety of jewellery brands is always a good way to see what styles are out there and The Individual is perfect for this. With brands such as Alice Menter, Laura Gravestock and other cool independents, you are bound to find something you like that your mates will like too.Rachel EntwistleGothic jewellery has a huge following with bloggers and fashion peeps and Rachel Entwistle has some gorgeous pieces that scream trendy and style. With cuffs, rings, cross earrings and other delightful pieces, Rachel’s collection is set to attract many and is leading the way for gothic looks. EshviI’m new to Eshvi and I am liking the brand’s large trend collection that has gothic, hard lines and bling as inspiration. I think the bar collection is my favourite and looks great with the different coloured stones and different metals.

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A place for Life

Online since 2010

I started Bunnipunch with the aim of creating a space where I could write about Fashion and style but it soon developed into a lifestyle platform where I reviewed travel destinations, new brands launching, press events, new movie releases and more. 

My emails are always open if you fancy a chat, want to collaborate or even want to give your feedback. 

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