Is that your Smart Phone or are you just pleased to see me?

Harry Styles Dr who star Matt Smith[youtube width=”600″ height=”365″ video_id=”Ekcky7azae4″]

We have all had the manic run around where we don’t know whether we are coming and going so sometimes our pockets become the haven of sweet wrappers, tickets and change.  But the one thing we shouldn’t really be carrying around in our pockets is our phones. I don’t know about you but the ‘phone in the pocket’ look does come across in a rather dodgy way and several times I have said to my husband, ‘Is that you phone or something else?’

Lucky for us the clever peeps at Huawei know our pockets have a second job of being a phone storage unit and have created the Ascend P6 which is the slimmest smart phone on the market. With huge battery, premium camera and all the normal smartphone going-ons, this puppy will fit into your pockets with ease and also detour pick-pockets also.

You can get your mitts on this phone from O2 and even George Lamb does a little demonstrating in East London.(Which is rather amusing)

At least you will look more stylish than these boys….(shame)

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A place for Life

Online since 2010

I started Bunnipunch with the aim of creating a space where I could write about Fashion and style but it soon developed into a lifestyle platform where I reviewed travel destinations, new brands launching, press events, new movie releases and more. 

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