How to blog when you have a full time job


It’s true. I have a full time job. Well I have two of them and people often ask me how I manage to work 5 days a week and still manage to update my blog 5-7 times a week too. It’s not easy and after a few very late nights, I’ve finally started to get into a routine that benefits me, both my jobs and my sleep!

As I know a few people that are doing this too, I thought I would share some of my practises that may help someone in the future.


What’s great about mobile phones is that you can write a blog while you’re traveling. I use the Word app, a new email or even the WordPress app to write my blog posts and best yet, you don’t need the Internet to do it. As I travel to and from London on the underground, I use one of these apps or an email to write my blog post and as soon as I have wifi, I save it. As there is wifi available in the stations now, you can easily do your work and save your next masterpiece in between stations! (It was 8:20 on a Friday morning on the tube when I wrote this blog…)

If you drive to work you can always use the microphone to dictate what you want to say to your phone too so whether you have your hands free or not, there is always a way to get your next blog done.

Beauty blogger

Picture editing

As I never have time to sit with my laptop and edit every image I need to do for my next post I use some great cheats to help me get my images edited while I am on the move. Here is how I do it…

1. Sign up to Dropbox and download the app.

2. When you are at home upload the images for your next blog into a desired folder in Dropbox.

3. When you are on the train going to work or on your lunch(you will need the Internet) simply scan through the images you have copied over for your next post and download the ones you want to your phone that you to feature.

4) Once all the images you want are saved, you can start to edit them.

What’s great about picture editing is that there are so many great apps for you to choose from. I use Vsco, Afterlight or Picfx to edit my images and the bonus is that once you use what filter you want, some of these picture apps give you the option of saving your new image in a desired size. This helps massively if you have some big images that you want to upload for your next blog post but you need them resized so they don’t clog up your website.

Once all your images are saved with new filters on them, simply go into your Dropbox app, select to upload and choose what images you want to save on your computer at home.

Once your images are done you can either upload them onto your WordPress app and insert into your new blog post or download them from Dropbox and do it at home. Just be mindful that some picture apps do title images with comments which will appear in your blog post so maybe check this before you start entering and publishing in WordPress.

I know it may seem like a lot of common sense or good time management but these little tips do me wonders! I never have time apart from my travel periods to do any blogging so this is a clever way to update your blog when normally you would be just sat on the train reading a paper.


I also use my travel and lunch time to catch up on emails that I have outstanding. What’s great is that you don’t really need the interest to open and reply to any emails you have and if you are on the tube, once you have wifi, your emails will get sent automatically and you don’t need to worry about it!

Do you have tips to help with full time blogging? I hope this helps!

3 responses

  1. I never really thought about writing actual blog post on my phone. I usually just write titles of topics I would like to discuss and then at some point write down the post when I get home but I think your way saves time! am all for it!


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