I never thought I needed a EAT PRAY LOVE trip but Oranja was a life changing one for me.
I was 3 years into my Long Covid journey and I got myself to the point where crash days were happening a few times a month(which they used to be daily), I was still struggling to wake up, even remotely energised (even though I had enough sleep), I still had other long covid symptoms like insomnia and I couldn’t loose anymore weight. I was also going to the gym 3 days a week but there was no improvement and I was stuck. Compared to many poor sods, I was living with this invisible illness pretty well but I wanted to get to that next level and feel more me again.
Fast forward to September 2024 and I booked myself a trip through Happy Freelances (Vicki) to come and take part in a fitness retreat with Oranja in IBIZA! (I know fitness plus Ibiza doesn’t make sense to most but trust me, it’s a great place for a well rested trip like this).
So off I went to Ibiza, meeting up with Vicki the night before we headed to the treat. I was a little apprehensive as I really wanted to join in all the exercises but I was unsure how my body would do so I went in with an open mind, wiling to challenge my mind, body and soul.
Once we arrived, we were shown around the accommodation which was lush, I met the other people that are taking part and we learnt what rooms we were staying in and who we were bunking with.
Girls shared with girls and boys visa versa so that wasn’t a worry at all and it was great to meet like minded people who love fitness and love a challenge. The rooms were really cosy, perfect for a short trip and I had a great room mate(you know who you are ).
What helped my anxiety about exercising was that I had an idea of how many exercises per day and what they would be purely from Oranja’s website – this really helped with my expectations and also prepared me for early mornings, and routine which sometimes long covid doesn’t help endure. Will and Naomi, the fabulous team behind Oranja were also very relaxed about what exercises I took part in and also how hard I workout. I normally work out first thing in the morning before I have something to eat so I loved that we would exercise first thing and then be treated to a yummy breakfast by Ruby, the inhouse chef.
After the first day, it was great to get into the routine of exercising 2 – 3 times a day, being able to relax and unplug and just enjoying the pool and general holiday vibe. I did take my laptop to do some work for my clients but to be honest, I wanted to have a digital detox and just enjoy my time there and the weather of course. I instantly distressed and those sun rises and sunsets really made me feel good about myself and the chance to be where I was, witnessing it.
The only activity I didn’t take part in over the trip was the hike which I really wanted to do but I have had a bit of vertigo on occasion due to my long covid so I thought it was best to stay at the villa but I took part in every other exercise and I really surprised myself that I could do as much as I did.
As we had Ruby, our inhouse chef, we never had to worry about food. We had delicious meals every morning, noon and night and it was all fresh and the perfect balance to fuel our active bodies. Ruby was great to chat to also about recipes and it really inspired me to carry on the clean eating back home which I have done and loved. It has made me experiment more and try combinations I wouldn’t normally have tried.
Honestly, I have said this to SO many people but this trip was life changing.
⭐️ My long covid has improved massively (can’t remember my last crash day and I have more energy).
❤️ I have got my life back which I’m never taking for granted again after losing 3.5 years to an illness.
I lost weight – which wasn’t the aim but lots of people commented on this.
I changed my diet to a clean eating one – which has made me feel amazing.
I totally got my juice back for life and everything.
If you love keeping fit, want to set yourself a new challenge or do some travel on your own(or with a friend/partner), Oranja is definitely a trip worth booking. I also really enjoyed meeting new people too which when you get to a certain age seems harder to do. I also loved the team and they were so welcoming and always on hand to offer advise and support you.
This trip was so good I’m going again this year! Who’s coming?
TO MY LONG COVID COMRADES: If you are thinking about booking this trip to help your long covid, please seek advise from your doctor first.
DISCLAIMER: I was offered a discount for a honest review.