Fitting More Furniture Into A Tiny Space

Quite a few of us have small interior spaces to work with. Whether you’re living in a flat, or sharing your home with quite a few other people. And because of this, the human race has come up with quite a few furniture innovations to capitalise on the little room we have to work with! Thankfully, most of the solutions out there are cheap and budget-friendly, look as good as we want them to, and can be worked into any average home we might be squeezing ourselves into. 

And so, without further ado, here’s a few strategies for fitting some more furniture (that you either desperately need, or just want to have in your house) into the tiny spaces you’re living in. Even the bedroom, with it’s cramped wardrobe and hooks all over the walls for the various clothes that don’t fit, can be revolutionised with methods like these. I have done something similiar in my own house so these tips will come in handy.


Go For the Smaller Option

If you want to add some more furniture to your space, but you know the coffee table you want is way too big for what you’re currently working with, check to see if there’s a slightly smaller option you could opt for. These pieces are usually cheaper, and they have a much better chance of actually being a practical addition to the rooms you’re living in. 

At the same time, make sure you’re taking measurements of the rooms you want to update, as well as the pieces you want to put in them, to make sure they will actually fit. You see, there’s really no point in spending your money before you’re sure a standing lamp or a new bedside table is a worthy investment!

Fitting More Furniture Into A Tiny Space

Double Up On Your Furniture Use

Doubling up on the use you get out of your furniture is a small stroke of genius. It’s one of the best ways of making sure you’ve got a practical, movable, and breathable space to live in! Just think about it – sofa beds are great for studio flats, because they’re both a sofa to sit and eat or watch the TV on, as well as a great place to catch a good night’s sleep whenever you need one. 

So, try to have a double use piece of furniture in every room in your home. An ottoman in the bedroom, that acts as both a storage solution, as well as a comfy place to sit and do your makeup. A table that can be adjusted in terms of height, to act as both a desk, as well as a smaller table you can put your feet on when you’re watching the TV in the afternoon. Even your bed itself, with specially made drawers to fit under the mattress, has a double use to it. 

You could use these drawers to store more of your things, or you could take them out completely, repurpose the wood, and put a whole new bed under there. Or maybe a pull out bench or shelf – there’s a lot of ideas you could be getting on with!

Fitting More Furniture Into A Tiny Space

Use the Space within the Space!

You have a lot of space within your space, did you know that? And as we mentioned above, the gap underneath the bed, before you reach the floor, counts as one. And so do the shelves you’ve got pinned to the walls, set a good enough distance apart to store books upright and in line. Not to mention the space you have behind units in your house, such as underneath the stairs, or behind the sofa that’s just a foot away from the back wall of your living room. 

These all count as spaces within your living space, and they might just be the key to fitting more and more of the furniture you like into the tiny rooms you wake up in in the morning. They can easily hide the more obvious storage containers, including the messy ones you just don’t have the patience to sort through. They could be places to set up lights, such as fairy strings or standing lamps, to create a cozier and closer atmosphere than you had before. 

All in all, make sure you’re thinking of the subliminal spaces you have in your home. They can be opened up, or filled up, to create more room. 

How are your interior design plans going? It maybe a bit frustrating if you’ve got a small house, and you wish you had more room. Well, there are ways available to make these dreams come true.

Let me know how you get on!

See what other home tips and DIY posts I have done here.

About Bunnipunch

A place for Life

Online since 2010

I started Bunnipunch with the aim of creating a space where I could write about Fashion and style but it soon developed into a lifestyle platform where I reviewed travel destinations, new brands launching, press events, new movie releases and more. 

My emails are always open if you fancy a chat, want to collaborate or even want to give your feedback. 

Welcome to Bunnipunch and enjoy ❤️

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