Fitflop on ice

Menswear Streetsyle SS14 BunnipunchMenswear Streetsyle SS14 Bunnipunch Menswear Streetsyle SS14 Bunnipunch Menswear Streetsyle SS14 BunnipunchMenswear Streetsyle SS14 Bunnipunch Menswear Streetsyle SS14 BunnipunchIt’s Gary’s turn to showcase some great menswear pieces available at the moment and there are some surprising brands that we have to show you!

You may have seen me model a few options from Ice Watch but I love the dark green watch that Gary is wearing here.  With a huge statement face and rose gold hints, I love the bulky style of this watch and this style is available in 4 colours including Navy which is another favourite colour of mine.

Superdry is a massive favourite of ours and Gary loves this check shirt in a Lumberjack Twill.  This green and blue mix shirt is a good contrast colour for summer and the quality and fit of Superdry’s shirts keeps getting better and better with each season.

Trainers are a staple item for most men’s wardrobes and Fitflop have some great options for guys. I love these Leather urban trainers in the white and I know Gary likes them too. Fitflop are becoming trendier and more fashionable with each season and I think trainers like these will open the eyes of male shoppers. The shoes themselves are very comfortable as you can imagine and the leather is of a very good quality. I think Gary has become a long term fan of Fitflop so you may see some more gracing his feet soon.

Shirt – Superdry

Jean shorts – Topman

Watch – Ice Watch

Trainers – Fitflop

Sunglasses – Superdry

Images by Lois Spencer-Tracey

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A place for Life

Online since 2010

I started Bunnipunch with the aim of creating a space where I could write about Fashion and style but it soon developed into a lifestyle platform where I reviewed travel destinations, new brands launching, press events, new movie releases and more. 

My emails are always open if you fancy a chat, want to collaborate or even want to give your feedback. 

Welcome to Bunnipunch and enjoy ❤️

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