Dressing for LFW with TK Maxx

Bunnipunch Streetstyle LFW Day 3 2014Bunnipunch Streetstyle LFW Day 3 2014 Bunnipunch Streetstyle LFW Day 3 2014

I can imagine that a first time London Fashion week go-er would find it hard to decide what to wear for such a fashionable event. With so many trends, colours, brands, big or small, it must be daunting to decided what to wear when everyone else is pulling out all the stops. Lucky for me, I have shopped before for LFW(many times) but I thought I would share some tips and show you the sort of thing you could find at TK Maxx to wear for London Fashion Week.

Be open minded:

When I used to go into my local TK Maxx store, I never used to find anything I liked but thats why you need to have a proper look around and see what jewels TK Maxx have. Also have a look in the menswear section as you may even find a cool oversized denim jacket that you wouldn’t have found otherwise. When looking through if there are a couple of pieces you like but are scared they won’t go together, have a play around with different styles and trends and inspirations as I think everything can go together if you have the imagination to put it in an outfit.

Finding your gems: 

Normally in TK Maxx, these cool gem items are hidden among everything else so don’t be scared to have a flip through rails as that one item that is meant for you maybe hidden! Remember, for Fashion Week, the more braver and out there you are, the more you will fit in and will get streetstyle snapped!

Come back often:

Just because there isn’t something there today for you, doesn’t mean there won’t be tomorrow. That is the magic of TK Maxx, everyone of their deliveries has new clobber for you to explore and has a wide host of brands for you to look at too.


TK Maxx offers 60% or less on lots of known and undiscovered brands. I love seeing the original RRP price and how much you are saving with TK Maxx price.

TK Maxx have more shopping secrets here so check them out!

Shoes – TK Maxx £69.00

(Amazing aren’t they!!)

About Bunnipunch

A place for Life

Online since 2010

I started Bunnipunch with the aim of creating a space where I could write about Fashion and style but it soon developed into a lifestyle platform where I reviewed travel destinations, new brands launching, press events, new movie releases and more. 

My emails are always open if you fancy a chat, want to collaborate or even want to give your feedback. 

Welcome to Bunnipunch and enjoy ❤️

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