Bright, Contrast, Rubber and Bunni

stand up



Folli Follie

RabbitTamaris are the shoe brand that know that fashion and comfort are very important to a lady. With strong rubber soles that give bounce when you walk, these boots were a little tight at first but after wearing them for like 10 minutes, the leather loosened and fitted my feet perfectly. The rubber on the soles also gave each step extra support and made them great to walk around in all day.

I know loads of girls at the moment are wearing the khaki jacket and contrast sleeve combo but I love this version by Fashion union.  With a draw string style fit, this jacket is comfortable and easy to wear casual and smart. I may also add some studding to this so it looks a little different from the others.

Folli Follie have some gorgeous new bags in their store this season and for S/S 2013. I utterly loved this pink shoulder bag and the material was so soft that I had to have it!

Alice takes a trip have some really unique and cool t-shirts on their site. With a slight gothic theme, I thought this Angel glass stained t-shirt was really original and I love the colours. Available in a real soft cotton, these tee’s are perfect for a cool present and for updating your look.

Jacket – Fashion Union

T-shirt – Alice takes a trip

Shorts – Topshop

Socks – Topshop

Shoes – Tamaris

Bags – Folli Follie

Bunni Clips – Jewellery by Jaymie

About Bunnipunch

A place for Life

Online since 2010

I started Bunnipunch with the aim of creating a space where I could write about Fashion and style but it soon developed into a lifestyle platform where I reviewed travel destinations, new brands launching, press events, new movie releases and more. 

My emails are always open if you fancy a chat, want to collaborate or even want to give your feedback. 

Welcome to Bunnipunch and enjoy ❤️

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