You may realise that things you do out of habit may become a problem for you at some point in time. Your home should be a place where you and your family are safe and protected but often, the little actions you may overlook become bait for intruders to raid your home. Criminals are always looking for easy targets to break into our homes so here are some actions you want to stop to enhance your home’s safety.
Leaving windows, the front and back doors opened
The gate is the first point of contact to access a home. Apart from this, another way to get inside a house is through the windows. Unfortunately, your busy schedule and rush hours during the day can cause you to forget basic security, such as locking your doors and closing your windows. It’s easy to press the gate button and move straight to your destination without remembering that you did not lock them. All these stem from the pressures of early morning targets, so keep this in mind. It’s important to double-check doors and windows whether you are away for 2 hours or 5 minutes.
Leaving gadgets and equipment outside
Your family, especially your children, may like to spend some time outside just for fresh air and a change of environment. And your attention tends to be on your children more than anything else. However, you can forget the gadgets or tools your children used to play with outside. Often, items such as your children’s tablet, the baby walker, and other expensive items are left in the garden all day or even over night. This attitude has a high risk of attracting thieves to your home, as they expect more expensive items to be in your home. Remember to pack these items inside once your kids are done with them. As a tip, invest in private residential security to encourage a safe environment and for peace of mind.
Trusting people readily
You may also be tempted to trust people readily, especially if you think everybody has your back, but that’s not the reality. Being security conscious is your responsibility. It’s important to avoid giving out vital information about yourself and the safe places in your home to visitors, friends, and sometimes your family members. You cannot trust everybody, so keep this in mind always.
Allowing gardens to grow wild
Gardens are beneficial for you and your family. The digging, planting, and weeding help to burn calories and strengthen your heart. However, allowing your gardens to grow wild can risk your safety. An overgrown garden creates hiding places for criminals, which can be risky for you and your family. Additionally, it’s easier for poisonous plants to grow unabated if you don’t maintain your garden properly, so keep this in mind. Therefore, it is advisable to regularly trim your plants and ensure they are in good shape and are not too wild and outrageously big.
These habits, if carefully considered, can keep you and your family safe at home. Following the advice above will help you reduce your risk of being a victim of criminal activity.
DISCLAIMER: This is a collaborative post.