Easter Treasure hunt with DKNY

It has been Fashion and Easter mad recently and what better way to celebrate then spending time at my favorite store, DKNY! I was among a few lucky souls to be invited to the Bond Street Store to hunt for some Chocolates and even be the winner of a £600 shopping spree.
The New York Store also took part in the event and were competing against the Londoners. After much debating it turned out that both Cities drew and because of this we were all awarded with an amazing DKNY watch each!!
For the £600 Shopping Spree in store, Myself and another Freelancer, Emily were both level with three chocolates each and we are decided to share the prize(a leather bag for Fashion week is calling) so we will both be able to get something.
  Once we had all finished running around, we each received a swag bag, full of Chocolate by the lovely Thorntons and Sunglasses which as perfect for this early Summer we are having.
Over all, it’s been a fab Easter hunt and I can’t wait to spend my £300 in store and wear my fab sunglasses and Watch – Hurray for DKNY!
Clotheshorse Blogger, Leroy and his Swag
Camillea and Ginny


The fab sunglasses that were given to me by DKNY

One of the gorgeous Eggs we were all given from DKNY and Thorntons Chocolate

About Bunnipunch

A place for Life

Online since 2010

I started Bunnipunch with the aim of creating a space where I could write about Fashion and style but it soon developed into a lifestyle platform where I reviewed travel destinations, new brands launching, press events, new movie releases and more. 

My emails are always open if you fancy a chat, want to collaborate or even want to give your feedback. 

Welcome to Bunnipunch and enjoy ❤️

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