You may have seen the FILLES A PAPA denim collection gracing the pages of Grazia or Streetstyle blogs recently and I have totally fallen for them. I love the 80’s style embroidery and slogans theyhave used they look great on these bleached, distressed denim shorts, jeans and jacket. I sadly can’t afford to spend £150 + on a pair of jeans so I thought I would try my hand at making my own pair of Graffiti style shorts and show you the process to!
To get started with this look you need:
1) 1 pair of shorts or jeans ( I loved these ones from New Look so thought I would use them)
2) a pencil
3) a drawingpPad
4) and a fabric PenIt’s a good idea to firstly stretch out your chosen words and pictures that you want to use as you don’t want to make any mistakes when using the fabric pen. I did practice a few times before I started and I even started by drawing a palm tree on the back of the shorts so I could see that it would come out ok. You can also draw on the shorts with the pencil first so you don’t have to draw free hand.
Once I have drawn my palm trees, I then added slogans like ‘Club Tropicana‘ and ‘Sun Dweller‘. I scattered these in various places as I didn’t want it to look too messy and manic.
And there you go! It’s a really easy DIY to do yourself and it really gives a pair of shorts an uplift and some character! Why not try it yourself and please share your pictures and links with me as I would love to see what you come up with!
[youtube width=”600″ height=”365″ video_id=”1UCgZCcKk10″]
Images by Lois and Gary Spencer-Tracey
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